Founder and Principal
John is a husband, a father, an eclectic reader, a storyteller (just ask his kids), a Ph.D., the reincarnated cat that curiosity killed, a speechwriter, a content strategist, a business professor, a published scholar, a Doctor Who fanatic and a trusted advisor to executives and companies in the technology industry.
As a consultant and writer, John has worked with top executives from Intel, Motorola, Adobe, Medtronic, Pokemon USA and others either in teams or one on one. His work has animated the keynote stage at the Consumer Electronics Show, policy-setting forums in digital economy and healthcare, internal strategy-setting discussions at Fortune 500 firms and myriad blogs, ghostwritten articles and white papers that dot the content landscape. He also works with technology startups in numerous areas including clean technology and medical devices. He brings a wide scope of experience to understanding any client’s specific situation and the audiences they need to influence.
John believes strongly that in a time of incredible change, it’s never been more important for new ideas to circulate. His students can quote Thompson’s Law of Communication: The need to communicate something, provides the forcing function to first figure out what you are really trying to accomplish.